(thematic section edited by Aldo Bondi, Severino Saccardi and Lauro Seriacopi)

The thematic section of the volume was realised in collaboration with the “Comitato Nazionale” – National Committee (set up in December under the High Patronage of the President of the Republic) and promoted by the don Milani Foundation, the don Milani Institution of Vicchio di Mugello and the don Milani Volunteer Group Association of Calenzano. It is dedicated to the memory and work of don Lorenzo Milani, whose birth centenary falls this year 27th May 2023. The contributions of this section focus on the multiple aspects of don Milani’s lesson and do not address memory as a past object, but rather underline his teaching in relation to issues and topics which, in spite of a radically changed context, remain at the heart of debates. Topics such as the relationship between authority and freedom, faith and history, the meaning of the constitutional dictate, the reaffirmation of the primacy of conscience, non-violence, the culture of peace and human rights and great unsolved educational issues will be discussed in the articles resulting in a polyphony of considerations. The section offers therefore an opportunity to listen once more to the words of the prior of Barbiana (quoted in his texts and letters): they were meagre and impassioned, yet capable of going straight to the core of civil and human issues with a constant reference to the word of the Gospel.